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Originally delivered on 6/11/2023 5:30 pm

SUBJECT: Week of June 11-17, 2023

The DES PTO Gator Blast
The DES PTO Gator Blast

Week of June 11-17, 2023

What's Happening This Week
Monday, June 12
9:00a 5th Grade Promotion
12:25p 2 hour early dismissal
Tuesday, June 13
Last Day of School for Students
12:25p 2 hour early dismissal
The News
Missed the Yearbook Deadline?

The DES office will place one more yearbook order next week. If your child did not receive one and you would like to order, please email Amy Luckett in our main office at   

Since the online system is no longer active for ordering, you must go through the school office for payment. You can bring $20 cash to the office. Please note that the office cannot give change, so if paying with cash, it must be exact. You are also able to write a check payable to Davidsonville Elementary School.

This will be the only opportunity to have an order placed, so if you want a yearbook, you must contact and pay the office by 9:00 am on Wednesday, June 14th.

Have a Great Summer Break!

The DES PTO would like to extend warm wishes to everyone for a happy and safe summer break. We would also like to congratulate our 5th graders who will be moving on to middle school next year. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the fantastic volunteers and DES staff for making the 2022-2023 school year a resounding success. Lastly, we bid farewell to Jen Hurst and her family, who will be relocating out of Maryland this summer. We thank her for her excellent service as the DES PTO President this year.

DAA Summer Field Hockey Clinic

Join us for a free clinic to learn more about the game of field hockey. New to the game, no problem; these sessions will be about learning, playing, and having fun!


Dates: June 26, July 10, 17, and 24 (players can attend all 4)

Time: 5:00 pm-7:00 pm


Age Level


   Girls entering K-2nd Grade


   Girls entering 3rd-8th Grade


Location: Bell Branch Park-Turf Field (located in the back of the park)

Cost: Free

Required equipment: shin guards, mouth guard, stick

*We will have a limited number of sticks that can be used during each session if you do not have your own.

Please register using the link below-

Registration Link-DAA Summer Field Hockey Clinics 

Rubiks Cube Competition

Naptown Cubers will host their second annual Rubik's Cube competition in Annapolis on July 8, 2023, at the Pip Moyer Recreation Center in Annapolis!  Naptown Cubers are a Rubik's cube STEM community organization in Annapolis, MD, that believes that experiences gained through competitions encourage growth and development in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math for elementary and middle school students. To learn more about Naptown Cubers, visit their website at

PTO Executive Board 2022/2023:

PresidentJen Hurst
VP Communications Laura Call
VP Volunteer CoordinatorCathy Rutkowski
VP Fundraising Robyn Davis
SecretarySamantha Rhinehardt
TreasurerAnne Schneider
Asst. TreasurerDan Walsh

Quick Links
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