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Originally delivered on 9/10/2023 5:01 pm

SUBJECT: Week of September 10-16, 2023

The DES PTO Gator Blast
The DES PTO Gator Blast

Week of September 10 - 16, 2023

What's Happening This Week
Wednesday, September 13
No-Fuss Fundraiser Begins
Thursday, September 14
6:30p Back-to-School Night
The News
Welcome to the DES PTO Gator Blast!

The Blast is a weekly newsletter created by the DES PTO and is free to all families. They will be delivered most Sunday evenings to the email you provided us. Please keep in mind that during holidays, you may see a delay in The Blast. Occasionally, you may get Special Edition Blasts with information that couldn't wait until Sunday. 

This Blast is an excellent source of information for parents, and we want to ensure that it reaches each family that wishes to receive it. For this Blast, we were able to use some of last year's contacts; starting next Sunday and moving forward, ONLY current contacts will receive it. 

If you still need to do so, please log into our website to update your information and continue to receive the weekly Gator Blast. If you have a question regarding The Blast, please contact Samantha Rhinehardt

The PTO wishes every family a great 2023-2024 school year, and we look forward to seeing you at events! 

We can't wait to see you at BTSN!

This Thursday, at 6:30 pm!

A few things to look forward to at BTSN are:

  • Room Parent signup (each teacher's classroom)
  • PTO volunteer info table
  • Gator Gear sales
  • Computer lab open for membership and volunteer opportunity signups
Gator Gear

Get your Merch! We will have DES shirts and more for sale on Thursday at Back to School Night. Please bring CASH! Items range from $1-$30. We will try our best to have alternative payment forms, but cash will be the only payment option if we cannot connect to the internet at the school. 

It is time to join the PTO!

Our annual PTO Membership Drive has been running full force, and we are very thankful to all the families that have already joined in! With your support, the PTO can organize student social events, help support the school, staff, and student needs, provide funds for assemblies and educational programs, purchase equipment the school may need, and so much more.

We would love to have 100% participation!

Click here to join the PTO and help support our mission.

For any questions about updating your information, completing the membership form, or signing up for the blast, please email Sam Rhinehardt at

Video Tutorial
Lost and Found Challenge

Let's see how long we can keep our Lost and Found EMPTY!

Please write student names on lunch bags/boxes, water bottles, jackets, hats, and other personal items so the school can return them to the owner.

We need you!

The PTO Volunteer Program is one of the best ways parents can support our school's students and staff. As a volunteer, you are playing to your strengths to help make our school better.

To learn about the many ways to be involved, click here to see a brief description of each volunteering area and indicate your preliminary interests. 

Filling out this form does not commit you to participation in the indicated committee or club. Instead, your contact information will be forwarded to the PTO board member or chairperson who is leading that activity, and they will be in touch with you.

Please be on the lookout for more information about the following clubs that will also be offered this fall:

  • Running Club - Grades 1-5 will meet on Tuesdays starting in September
  • Green School Club - Starting in October
  • Spanish Club 
  • First Lego League, Jr. (Grades 3-5) *This club will be offered in the Spring for Grades K-2


To get involved, please check out the SignUp Genius. 

General SignUp Genius Link:

Come get the SCOOP on how to volunteer at Davidsonville Elementary. Please join us for an in-person or virtual Volunteer Orientation.

Clubs are here!

The PTO will launch a few clubs over the next several weeks. Please note that most clubs have limited space, and students will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The DES PTO organizes most clubs but may have a 3rd party company provide instruction, etc. The first clubs accepting members are Chess and Yoga. See more info below.

Registration is open for the DES Chess Club!

To register, scan the QR Code or visit

Questions? Email: or call: 703-574-2070.

Yoga Club registration is open!

Registration due date: Friday, September 15th 

Payment: Venmo @Robin-Countryman-1 (preferred), cash or check (made to Robin Countryman).

Students will receive a paper copy of the flyer below in their Wednesday Folder this week. Please complete the registration/waiver form and return it to school in your child's folder. If you'd like to complete the registration earlier, please click here to print and complete the second page of the flyer and send it in with your student.

No-Fuss Fundraiser

Are you a parent who wants to support the school and participate in everything, but life gets in the way?  Would you love to help raise money for the school but don't have the time to sell wrapping paper or get to a "Dining Out for DES" event?  

If you answer yes to either question above, this fundraiser is for you!

The No-Fuss Fundraiser is an easy way to support the DES PTO by simply donating money.  Please be on the lookout in this week's Wednesday Folders as we kick off the No-Fuss Fundraiser.

Anyone who donates before Back-to-School Night will be entered into a raffle to win a Davidsonville Elementary shirt. 

Skate Zone

Thank you to all the families who came out to our first Skate Night on Friday!

Seeing such a great turnout and so many families having fun together was incredible!

Gator Day - Fall Carnival

Next Saturday, September 16th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Davidsonville Athletic Association will host their annual Gator Day fundraiser at Davidsonville Park.

Participants will enjoy soccer games, obstacle courses, carnival games, laser tag, food trucks, pizza, and other entertainment. This will be the primary DAA fundraiser for the year, with proceeds going to improve our fields, upgrade our equipment, and enhance our youth athletes' experience.

Looking Ahead
Wednesday, September 13
No-Fuss Fundraiser Begins
Thursday, September 14
6:30p Back-to-School Night
Tuesday, September 19
7:00p PTO General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, September 20
6:00p Parent Event - Chris in the Classroom
Friday, September 22
No-Fuss Fundraiser Ends
Friday, September 29
9:00a Volunteer Coffee and Orientation
Tuesday, October 3
7:00p Virtual Volunteer Coffee and Orientation
PTO Executive Board 2023/2024:

President – Robyn Davis
VP Communications – 
Samantha Rhinehardt
VP Volunteer Coordinator – 
Brooke Zingler
VP Fundraising – 
Mary Boese
Secretary – 
Amy Forney
Treasurer – 
Lisa Frid
Asst. Treasurer – 
Brenna Raines

Quick Links
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