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Originally delivered on 9/17/2023 5:55 pm

SUBJECT: Week of September 17-23, 2023

The DES PTO Gator Blast
The DES PTO Gator Blast

Week of September 10 - 16, 2023

What's Happening This Week
Tuesday, September 19
7:00p PTO General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, September 20
6:30p Family Game Show Night with Chris in the Classroom
Friday, September 22
No-Fuss Fundraiser Ends
The News
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the time you all have been waiting for ....

...the first Davidsonville PTO General Membership Meeting of the 23-24 School Year!!! đź‘Ź

The PTO General Membership meeting is when all DES families are invited to come together and hear what the PTO has been working on, bring your opinions and questions to the table, and share your feedback.

For this meeting, you can expect to see a review of what we did last year, our goals for this year, and review and approve this year's budget, which is available here. Feel free to submit questions for discussion at the PTO meeting to by Monday evening. 

You can access the full agenda for this meeting here.

In case you missed it, we will have childcare available during the meeting. Click here to sign up for free childcare.

This is the first of 4 total General Membership meetings throughout the year. Check the PTO calendar for the dates of upcoming meetings.

See you all on Tuesday, 9/19!

Chris in the Classroom Assembly

This Wednesday, September 20, DES will host the Chris in the Classroom assembly. 

The assembly/family game show will start at 6:30 p.m. The whole family is invited, so come have fun learning about kindness and resiliency in school!

Please note that this event is open to all four elementary schools in our South River Cluster (Davidsonville, Mayo, Edgewater, and Central). 

Bus Notification System

As Mrs. Harris mentioned at BTSN, AACPS has implemented a new bus disruption notification system. This new system allows families and caregivers to sign up to receive alerts of only the buses that apply to them. Just FYI, families that don’t sign up for notifications aren’t notified of any issues. So make sure you stay in the know regarding bus disruptions! You can sign up to receive the notification by text, email, or both. Families can sign up for these notifications in English or Spanish. 

To subscribe to that free service, log on to

We need you!

The PTO Volunteer Program is one of the best ways parents can support our school's students and staff. As a volunteer, you are playing to your strengths to help make our school better.

To learn about the many ways to be involved, click here to see a brief description of each volunteering area and indicate your preliminary interests. 

Filling out this form does not commit you to participation in the indicated committee or club. Instead, your contact information will be forwarded to the PTO board member or chairperson who is leading that activity, and they will be in touch with you.


To get involved, please check out the General SignUp Genius for the current volunteering opportunities. Be sure to navigate through the tabs to see all the current options!

Come get the SCOOP on how to volunteer at Davidsonville Elementary. Please join us for an in-person or virtual Volunteer Orientation. This event is for anyone interested in learning more about the volunteering opportunities at DES!Click here to RSVP.


The PTO will launch a few clubs over the next several weeks. Please note that most clubs have limited space, and students will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The DES PTO organizes most clubs but may have a 3rd party company provide instruction, etc.

Please be on the lookout for more information about the following clubs that will also be offered this fall:

  • Green School Club - Starting in October
  • Martial Arts
  • Spelling Club
Chess Club

The DES Chess Club still has a few spots available! Click here to see the flyer sent home. 

If you have any questions about the club, contact Brooke Zingler at

To register, scan the QR Code or visit

Lego Club is Here!

The First Lego League, Jr. Club, is finally here! Please note that this club has very limited spots, so if your kiddo is interested, sign up right away! 

In the event that your child does not get a spot, you can add them to a waitlist by clicking here. 

DES Lego Club
Spanish Club Registrations Now Open!

¿Hablas español? 

Well, if the answer is "no," but your child would like to learn Spanish, this is a great opportunity!

Please note that this club has very limited spots. If your estudiante is interested, sign up right away! 

In the event that your child does not get a spot, you can add them to a waitlist by clicking here.

No-Fuss Fundraiser


The No-Fuss Fundraiser will go until the end of the week!

Help your class get a theme party, help your grade get popsicles, help the school get Rockin Recess, and help the PTO make it the best year ever.

$15,000 is our goal! Here are some of the things the PTO is using the funds raised during this fundraiser for:

- Chris in the Classroom Assembly

- Brainpop software

- Unity Day Shirts

- Movie Night

- Holiday Shoppe

Please help us continue to support our kids in the classroom and host fun activities throughout the year!

Skate Night #1

Our first skate night had an amazing turnout! The PTO would like to give a big thanks to everyone in our community for taking time out of their busy schedules to make our first fundraising event of the year so successful! 

We had 387 students and their families skate the night away, raising $1,935!

DES Movie Night

Please join the PTO on October 13th for a 6:30 pm free showing of "The Super Mario Bros." movie on the baseball fields! Bring your own blankets or chairs. 

Be on the lookout for a pizza prepay form coming soon, and let us take away the stress of planning dinner that night! 

Lace 'Em Up for Libby presents the 5th Annual Mr. Ted's Relay

Saturday, September 23rd, 7 am - 7 pm, Davidsonville Park

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and Mr. Ted has the perfect way for you to help! Each year, Mr. Ted and Ms. Snow like to see who can complete the most miles in a day. The problem is they are both teddy bears, Libby’s teddy bears, so they need your help to complete those miles! You can help by carrying them as you walk or run around Davidsonville Park. Sign Up for a slot or more information. 


All proceeds will go towards Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s “The Million Mile” fundraiser.

Looking Ahead
Tuesday, September 19
7:00p PTO General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, September 20
6:30p Family Game Show Night with Chris in the Classroom
Friday, September 22
No-Fuss Fundraiser Ends
Friday, September 29
9:00a Volunteer Coffee and Orientation
Tuesday, October 3
7:00p Virtual Volunteer Coffee and Orientation
Friday, October 13
6:30p Movie Night
Haven't joined the PTO yet?

What are you waiting for?! 🤔

Thank you to all the families that have already joined! 

Remember that with your support, the PTO can organize many events and activities that help support the school, staff, and student needs. 

Click here to join the PTO and help support our mission.

For any questions about updating your information, completing the membership form, or signing up for the blast, please email Sam Rhinehardt at

PTO Executive Board 2023/2024:

President – Robyn Davis
VP Communications – 
Samantha Rhinehardt
VP Volunteer Coordinator – 
Brooke Zingler
VP Fundraising – 
Mary Boese
Secretary – 
Amy Forney
Treasurer – 
Lisa Frid
Asst. Treasurer – 
Brenna Raines

Quick Links
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