Raise Craze - Fundraising for Kindness is an event in which students will fundraise in exchange for performing random acts of kindness over a two-week period, November 6-17. Two in-person events will support Raise Craze, World of Kindness, and Wrap-Up Clean Up. Look for more information in take-home folders, on Facebook, and right here in the Gator Blast to kick off this FUN fundraiser and continue our year of kindness at DES.
We are looking for volunteers to support this fundraiser - please review and register for opportunities here.
And don’t forget about our Spirit Days to get the students excited!
Tuesday, 11/7: Mr. Rogers Day (wear red!)
Thursday, 11/9: Peace, Love, and Kindness Day (wear tie-dye!)
Tuesday, 11/14: Character Kindness Day (dress as your favorite kind character!)
Thursday, 11/16: Taylor Swift Day (wear all things Swiftie!)