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Originally delivered on 11/19/2023 6:27 pm

SUBJECT: Week of November 19 - 25, 2023

The DES PTO Gator Blast
The DES PTO Gator Blast

Week of November 19 - 25, 2023

What's Happening This Week
Monday, November 20
Schools closed for all students - Parent/teacher conferences
Tuesday, November 21
Schools closed for all students - Parent/teacher conferences
Wednesday, November 22
Schools and Central Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, November 23
Schools and Central Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 24
Schools and Central Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
The News

We are extending the Raise Craze Fundraiser until next Sunday, 11/26. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to perform acts of kindness and let the special people in our lives feel the love!  

We have raised over $10,000 so far, but we need your help to reach our $15,000 goal.

The money raised during this fundraiser supports things like the Holiday Shoppe, social events, teacher appreciation, Fifth-grade promotion, and so much more!  


Take a look at what we are working towards:

2023 Coat Drive

Our 2023 Coat Drive will begin on November 27 through the Holiday Shoppe event on December 5. You can drop your donation in the "gift-wrapped" collection boxes that will be in the main office!

Holiday Shoppe

This year's shoppe will be Tuesday, December 5th, from 4-8 pm. We are recruiting parent volunteers and elves to help with the event. If you are a parent interested in helping, please click here to sign up. If your child is a fifth-grade safety who wants to be an elf, please email Maureen Sanders at to sign up. Elves will need to be there by 3 pm for training.

Ornaments: The annual DES ornament will be for sale in the cafeteria during the Holiday Shoppe. They will be $5 each.

Mystery Bags Fundraiser: At the Holiday Shoppe this year, the PTO will be selling Mystery Bags for $20 in the cafeteria. The bags will have things like gift cards and coupons to local businesses, as well as some school-related prizes.

***Both of these will be sold as CASH ONLY!***

Bake Sale

The Holiday Shoppe Bake Sale was a huge hit last year, and we hope to make it even better this year. This year, we will be raising money for a reusable bag initiative led by some of our fifth graders. Please consider signing up to support the event!  Bake Sale Sign-up

DES Directory

Did you know you can check the DES Directory* anytime on our Website?! 

*This is one of the awesome perks of the PTO membership. If you haven't signed up for the PTO yet, there is still time!

DES Suggestion Box

A suggestion box is now available for DES families. Families now have an additional way to connect with the PTO to send suggestions or ask questions!

DES PTO on Instagram!

After our social media survey results, we created a DES PTO IG account. It was launched this week, so if you have IG, be sure to follow us! We are PTO_DES.

Attention DES 5th Graders, time is running out!

Do you love to draw? We need your help to design the cover for this year’s yearbook! One drawing will be chosen as the cover for our 2023-2024 yearbook! 

Entries must be received by November 27th! See the attached flyer for more details!  

Employer Giving Incentives

Please check with your employer on employee giving and corporate donation program opportunities. The PTO is a nonprofit (EIN 52-2358390), and many employers offer incentives resulting in contributions. Some offer matching of what the employee gives, a monetary donation from an employer for every hour the employee donates to the PTO, and allowing donations to come out of paychecks pre-tax. Based on what our DES families have arranged with their employers, we already have incoming donations from Nationwide and Microsoft! Do you have questions or need help? Contact Lisa at

Skate Night #2 - Thank you!

Our second skate night had another fantastic turnout! We thank all the families for taking time out of their busy schedules to make this night so successful! We raised $1,415 for our school!

Fall Clean Up - Thank you!

Thank you to all who came out for the fall clean-up! We had so much help—kindness was in the air! The PTO delivered two buddy benches for the school. One was placed in the playground in the front of the school, and the other in the Kindergarten playground. 

Thank you for all of your hard work, time, and effort in keeping our school beautiful!

For more pictures of the Fall Clean-Up, check our Facebook and Instagram pages!

To get involved, please check out the General SignUp Genius for the current volunteering opportunities. Be sure to navigate through the tabs to see all the current options!

Volunteer Info

We have a bunch of new volunteer opportunities coming up! More information about each can be found by clicking the hyperlinks and reading the descriptions below the table.

Daytime Volunteer Opportunities

* Teacher’s Elves

Tues/Fri Morning Media Help

Library Help: Ms.Kaiser needs help in the media center on Tuesday and Friday mornings to check in books. If you can help, please get in touch with Ms. Kaiser directly at

Teacher's Elves

If you would like to volunteer by making copies for teachers, sign up here! Please call before going into the school to make sure there are copies to be made that day!

Spring Clubs Needs

We are starting to plan for spring clubs! The following clubs need a chairperson in order to be able to run in the spring- Chess Club, Run Club, and Spanish Club. Please contact Brooke Zingler at if you want to hear more about helping with any of these clubs.  

The DES 2023 Toy Drive is accepting new toys!

Bring new toys and drop them off in the bin in the school's vestibule! This toy collection will support The Sharing Foundation. It is run by volunteers who help families in need in Anne Arundel County.

AACPS 2024-2025 Calendar

The Board of Education is accepting comments on the 2024-2025 calendar as recommended by the AACPS Calendar Committee. Comments will be accepted through 4 p.m. on Friday, December 1, 2023, at

Looking Ahead
Monday, November 20
Schools closed for all students - Parent/teacher conferences
Tuesday, November 21
Schools closed for all students - Parent/teacher conferences
Wednesday, November 22
Schools and Central Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, November 23
Schools and Central Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 24
Schools and Central Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
Monday, November 27
8:00a Yearbook Cover Contest Ends
Tuesday, December 5
Holiday Shoppe
Two-hour early dismissal - Project Unity Day
Saturday, December 16
DES Toy Drive Ends
Haven't joined the PTO yet?

What are you waiting for?! 🤔

Thank you to all the families that have already paid their dues! In addition to supporting our students and staff, these families have access to our Family Directory and voting rights at our PTO General Membership meetings.

Click here to join the PTO and help support our mission.

Family membership forms can be accessed by going to 

"My Account">"My Forms/Paperwork">"PTO Membership 2023-24"

For any questions about updating your information, completing the membership form, or signing up for the blast, please email Sam Rhinehardt at

PTO Executive Board 2023/2024:

President – Robyn Davis
VP Communications – 
Samantha Rhinehardt
VP Volunteer Coordinator – 
Brooke Zingler
VP Fundraising – 
Mary Boese
Secretary – 
Amy Forney
Treasurer – 
Lisa Frid
Asst. Treasurer – 
Brenna Raines

Quick Links
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