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Originally delivered on 4/7/2024 5:49 pm

SUBJECT: Week of April 7 - 13, 2024

The DES PTO Gator Blast
The DES PTO Gator Blast

Week of April 7 - 13, 2024

What's Happening This Week
Wednesday, April 10
Schools & Central Offices closed - Eid al-Fitr
Friday, April 12
Spring Picture Day
The News
PTO Board - Looking ahead to 24-25

Are you looking to get more involved at school? Have you been a member of the PTO and would like to take on more responsibility? There will be open PTO Board positions for the 2024-2025 School Year. If you are interested in being on the DES PTO Board or have any questions, please email us so we can help you find a position that fits you best.

Final hours to register for the Gator Gallop!

On Saturday, May 4, join us for a fun morning at DAA Park with the entire family! 

Support DES while completing:

  • 5K
  • 1 Mile (kids only)
  • 100-yard Gallop (kids only)

 Enjoy the pre-race warm-up, spirit sign-making, mascot chase, & post-race snacks! 

Click here to sign up NOW!

Registration will close at 11 p.m. TONIGHT.

New deadline to order yearbooks!

Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The deadline to order this year's yearbook is April 24th! Don't miss out on this year's memories with a cover that has been designed by one of our talented 5th-grade students. We would love to have all DES students in at least one of the candid photos throughout the yearbook, but we need your help. Do you have any photos you have taken during a school event with DES students that you have not submitted to the yearbook? Some photos we would like to have are:

  • field trips
  • lunch
  • recess
  • music concerts
  • skate nights
  • socials
  • class parties
  • school events (talent show, book fair)

If you have any photos to submit, we are making one final call to please submit them by April 12th. Our preferred way to submit photos is by uploading them directly to our database by clicking here. Simply choose a labeled folder that best fits your photo, click the upload button, choose candid, and submit your photo(s) from your computer or phone. If you have trouble uploading them directly, you may simply email them to us at If emailing, please provide the grade level of the student(s) in the subject line.

Picture Day is Friday!

Skip the form and order online here with the code 5N3NMGCN.

Pajama Drive
90's Family Social

Oh snap! Parents, we are about to have a hella good time gettin’ jiggy with the littles at the DES 90s Neon Dance Party!!!! RSVP here! 

Get those fly outfits out from the back of the closet because this party is going to be da bomb!

AND if you are willing to volunteer, we won't only appreciate you, but we'll think you are all that and a bag of chips! Check the volunteer opportunities here.


To get involved, please check out the General SignUp Genius for the current volunteering opportunities. Be sure to navigate through the tabs to see all the current options!

Limited spots available for Yoga Club

The Yoga Club will begin meeting on April 17; see the information below, and please click here to register!

Family Link - April

Family Link is a monthly newsletter published by the AACPS Office of School & Family Partnerships. It includes helpful information about family engagement, ensuring a successful partnership with your child's teachers and school, dates to remember, and events happening around the county. Check out the April edition of Family Link here.

Looking Ahead
Wednesday, April 10
Schools & Central Offices closed - Eid al-Fitr
Friday, April 12
Spring Picture Day
Wednesday, April 24
Last Day to Order Yearbooks
Thursday, April 25
Anti-Bully Assembly for students
Friday, April 26
5:00p PTO Family Social
Saturday, May 4
8:00a Gator Gallop
Monday, May 6
Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 7
Teacher Appreciation Week
Wednesday, May 8
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thursday, May 9
Teacher Appreciation Week
Friday, May 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
Haven't joined the PTO yet?

What are you waiting for?! 🤔

Thank you to all the families that have already paid their dues! In addition to supporting our students and staff, these families have access to our Family Directory and voting rights at our PTO General Membership meetings.

Click here to join the PTO and help support our mission.

Family membership forms can be accessed by going to 

"My Account">"My Forms/Paperwork">"PTO Membership 2023-24"

For any questions about updating your information, completing the membership form, or signing up for the blast, please email Sam Rhinehardt at

Employer Giving Incentives

Please check with your employer on employee giving and corporate donation program opportunities. The PTO is a nonprofit (EIN 52-2358390), and many employers offer incentives resulting in contributions. Some offer matching of what the employee gives, a monetary donation from an employer for every hour the employee donates to the PTO, and allowing donations to come out of paychecks pre-tax. Based on what our DES families have arranged with their employers, we already have incoming donations from Nationwide and Microsoft! Do you have questions or need help? Contact Lisa at

PTO Executive Board 2023/2024:

President – Robyn Davis
VP Communications – 
Samantha Rhinehardt
VP Volunteer Coordinator – 
Brooke Zingler
VP Fundraising – 
Mary Boese
Secretary – 
Amy Forney
Treasurer – 
Lisa Frid
Asst. Treasurer – 
Brenna Raines

Quick Links
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