General Information

Davidsonville Elementary School serves grades Kindergarten thru 5th in Davidsonville, Maryland.

Our Motto
: Imagine, Believe, Achieve!

Our Mascot: The Gator

Our School Colors: Green & White

The school address:
962 W. Central Ave.
Davidsonville, MD 21035

The school phone number:
(410) 222-1655

School hours: 8:00 a.m.-2:25 p.m.

Principal: Colleen Harris

Assistant-Principal: Stacey Levery

Arrival & Dismissal Guidelines

Doors open at 7:40 am. Students are considered late after the 8:00 am bell.


Car Rider Line


  • Please be patient and know that DES staff is working hard to ensure the car rider line moves smoothly and quickly.
  • Please DO NOT get out of your car during drop off. Students should be on the passenger side with their belongings ready to go when they reach the "Kiss and Good-Bye" area.
  • If the drop-off line is backed up onto route 214, drivers are asked to stop on the shoulder of 214 three (3) car lengths from the turn-in to allow exiting drivers more visibility.
  • There are signs directing drivers where to stop. 
  • Please note that if cars cannot exit the parking lot due to visibility issues, other cars cannot get into the car line. Drivers that don't follow the signage are putting other drivers and families at risk.



  • Please be patient and know that DES staff is working hard to ensure the car rider line moves smoothly and quickly.
  • Parents are not permitted to wait in the lobby for the dismissal of car riders.
  • For security reasons, parents must wait in their cars in the car rider line for their student(s).
  • If the pick-up line is backed up onto route 214, drivers are asked to stop on the shoulder of 214 three (3) car lengths from the turn-in to allow exiting drivers more visibility.
  • There are signs directing drivers where to stop. 
  • Children and adults create a hazardous situation when walking between cars to the parking area. Please beware of your surroundings.
  • Please DO NOT park in the parking lot to pick up your student(s)!

There is limited space to discharge and pick up students. Please help us ensure a safe arrival/dismissal for students and families by following the signs!

Early Dismissals

Parents are advised to send a note to the teacher on the day when the student has to leave school before 2:25 p.m. Any parent needing to pick up a student before dismissal is asked to do so no later than 2:10 p.m. Any parent who has a meeting following dismissal is asked to wait until the building is mostly clear from dismissal procedures before entering the building. Also, as a reminder, anyone not on the "Emergency Contact" form must have prior permission to pick up a student and WILL be asked for identification.


Daily Schedule

2023/2024 Schedule (Daily)

  • Please check later, as schedules are not yet finalized.


*Schedules change on early dismissal/late arrival days